About Praise Fowowe Research LLC
We believe the Youniverse begins with Individuals and Families and if we can help humanity become happy through our innovations, then we can all collaborate for impact irrespective of our differences.
We deploy our solutions through innovative training programs, coaching, licensing and consulting services across various cultures.
We are a member of the House of Saviors Group and we believe we are the capital of family life innovations.

Our culture and values
We have a clear Ubuntu ideology that promotes humanity – I am because you are, there is no me without you and whatever I do against you I do against myself. Our entire organizational culture is built around this ideology.

Our Mission
Our mission is to innovate research-driven solutions that help people live better, connect and collaborate for impact.

Our Vision
To create a happy world one person, one family & one community per time
Our Dna

We seek out family members in our team mates and stakeholders and we collaborate with them to assist our world attain peace and wellness. Our win is when our customers become our marketers. We never work alone as everyone in our community is competent enough to deliver exceptional service

We believe in humanity because there is no me with you hence we never give up on anyone. We see everyone as man made in God’s image and everyone we encounter is a potential world changer. HUMANITY is about reflecting the image of God and extending healing to humanity. Humanity is maximizing our time to become solutions to the world’s problem

We believe ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE & we believe in us resides the most potent family life solutions. We create unbelievable family life solutions and if it doesn’t exist you can trust us to create it. Most of the things we do has never been seen before hence our passion at disrupting our success and birthing a newer and better version of it. We are a thinking organization and only thinkers can work here.
We are not here to conform; we are here to lead an entire generation into effective family systems hence our obsession with INFLUENCING our space with the values that creates a peaceful society. We deploy every means possible to drive our solutions into every home. We take responsibility for everyone in our space through training and we determine what happens and the paradigms that exist in our industry globally
Everyone wants to be loved and love is the energy that makes our world go round. LOVE therefore is who we are and we measure it in the way we accept people, respect their model of the world, understand them and extend the energy of love to them. We stand with families and bring healing to our world . We are lovers and that is felt in all that we do.
We are committed to what we do because we love it. We love the organization, the people and our results. We are doggedly committed to the people transformation and our core existence is wired around it. You can feel our passion in everything we do and our systems is designed to fight every form of distraction that takes us out of our area of PASSION . We do what we do as if our lives depend on it
Our tribe
Our tribe is called House of Saviours which simply means our overall objectives is to ultimately assist our world raise solution providers who are able to innovate solutions that solve human problems everywhere they go.
We don’t have employees; we have citizens and they are;
- An out of the box influencer who is highly passionate about humanity and seeks to assist humanity work together as children of God
- A creative thinker who is able to create solutions and take responsibility for promoting global peace
- A leader who is willing to grow, learn and become the best that exist across the globe
- An epitome of love who works as a family member with a strong sense of ownership.
- Bokun Imokhuede
- Falabi Motolani
- Oluwatosin Praise – Fowowe
- Ayodeji Lawrence
- Oluwaseun Alabi
Why Praise Fowowe Research LLC
With our cutting edge easy to use research-driven templates, you can engineer yourself, your family and your community and build an intentional system that can deliver your better world, no matter where you are in life.

• Family systems Engineering Certification
• Teens Coaching Certification Program

Curriculum licensing
• Ready for life child development programming
• Human Engineering Programming
• Basic sexuality education curriculum for children
• Advanced sexuality education for teens

• Alpha code parenting – The science of scripting a child for success
• Handling an erring child
• 21 day out of the box training activation programming
• Mastering Co-parenting
• Getting married without tears
• Finding and bonding with your spouse – Users manual matrix
• Creating and building an effective family governing system
• Child power sexuality education
• Ready for life child development program
Personal Transformation coaching
• Human Engineering Programming
• Goals Scoring