Associate Coaching Experience with Couples
Experience the best of relationship coaching with our excellent family life coaches.
This session includes:
- Marital Assessments
- Marital Reviews
- 8coaching sessions
- Marital healings
This services can be customized for singles and those seeking to get married again
Get FinancedTrauma therapy and Healing
Are you in pains or hurting? Are their burdens you have carried over the years that you don't have a clue how to heal from? Our therapists take this burden off you and help you attain wholeness. This covers those dealing with grief and bereavement as well
Get FinancedFamily Systems Engineering Certification
The Family Systems Engineering Certification deploys a combination of coaching, strategy, therapy, and systems intelligence intervention management to deliver an accelerated framework that assists you accurately diagnose your clientā€™s challenges and create an effective road map that delivers their desired wholeness. This is regarded as the most effective certification program for people of colour especially those of African descent. Accurately diagnose cases & effectively coach them to success
Get Financed7 sessions of Grief Therapy and Healing
7 sessions of grief therapy and healing.
Get FinancedMONEY Mastery Coaching Program
This package includes:
- Break free from debt
- Master your finances
- Discovery your money personality
- Create a plan for your financial goal
- Cultivate abundance mentality and set yourself free
Get FinancedTeen Advantage Package
This package includes:
- Comprehensive teen assessment
- Clarity session
- 8 coaching sessions
- Applicable healing & strategy session with parents
- Duration: 3 months sessions and 4 months access
Get FinancedPersonal Mastery Coaching Program
A 3 intensive hour strategy session with our coaches and a follow up monitoring system
A fail-proof guide into:
- Personality Assessment
- Personal clarity
- Goal scoring
- Mastering your energy and vibration
- Discovering and maximizing your life using the LIFE+STYLE matrix
- Duration: 3 hours
Get FinancedBuilding an effective Parenting Systems
This package includes:
- Comprehensive parenting check
- Clarity session
- Healing and closure
- Strategy and scripting of a winning template for kids
- 8 coaching sessions
- 21 day out of the box parenting session
- Duration: 2 months sessions and 3 months access
Get FinancedBlueprint for Lasting Love & Family Success - Orchid Bouquet
This Package Includes:
- 12 Intensive coaching and strategy sessions.
- Full quantum reality & personal healing session
- Userā€™s manual Perception management session
- Full Marital activation bliss program
- Personal transformation coaching
- Duration: 3 months sessions and 6 months access
- Exclusive access to PFlix Gold learning platform for a year
Get FinancedAccelerated Advantage for Individuals & Family (Tulips Bouquet)
This package includes:
8 Intensive coaching and strategy sessions
- 1 Closure/healing sessions
- 1 listening and expanded awareness session
- 1 marital vision &values creation session or personal development session
- Marital skill audit and advisory
- Duration: 2 months sessions and 3 months access
- Exclusive access to PFlix silver learning platform for a year
Get FinancedMarital Health-check, Review & coaching
Marital Assessment and Review
- Assessments (Love code discovery,
Personality analysis, culture compatibility test, Marital assessments)
- Comprehensive diagnostics and current position assessment
- 1 review/ clarity session
- 1 full coaching session
Get FinancedStrategic Junior Church Leadership System
Create a purposeful and measurable junior church systems that intentionally discover, develop, disciple and release strategic kingdom icons
Get FinancedHuman Engineering Programming (Group Coaching)
Becoming indispensable in 13 weeks of intense
Human Engineering Programming
Get FinancedC-Suites Love Systems (Private Coaching)
Private Coaching For C-Suite Executives looking to find and maintain love in as little as 30 days even if you failed at love before
Get Financed