Our Global Innovations
We research and innovate simple tech solutions to complex human, family and community problems. Over the years we have innovated groundbreaking solutions that have been licensed to organizations and coaches to assist their people and clients experience a better experience and make their world better.
Our solutions more than any other has promoted diversity and inclusions and engender societal peace.

Scripting a child for Success â Alpha code parenting
One of the greatest fears in the heart of every parent is how well their kids turn out eventually especially in the 21st century where new concepts show up at the speed of thought. The Alpha code Parenting Program is a scripting system that helps parents discover, develop and intentionally deploy their children leveraging on a well- designed community parenting modeling system. This model is built on the mantra that says âIf evil can be conditioned then good can be scripted.
Helps parents discover their parenting patterns, their childhood trauma and heal to become wholesome. Assists parents in embracing a systems-driven methodology to parenting which leads to a measurable process. Helps raise children without trauma while assisting parents create an empowering methodology to discipline. Assists parents in moving from experimentation to an intentional model that is void of trauma. Helps parents raise effective children with wholesome esteem. Assists professionals in mastering the use of psychometry in accurately diagnosing parenting crisis and develop an effective intervention to address it. This model also helps parents create a community of parents that can work together to raise a wholesome community. This model can be used to curb the spread of terrorism and gang violence.
Ready for life child development systems
Global statistics say 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused before the age of 18. The devastating effect of abuse can affect a child all through a lifetime without the right intervention because abuse takes away the identity of a child.
Sometimes, the abuse comes in form of a parenting system that is not intentional and doesnât have a clear template that can deliver effective results.
Our Ready for Life Mentoring platform is an intentional tribe of influencers collaborating with parents to groom solution providers that transform our society in service to God and humanity.
We have developed a unique curriculum that intentionally assists children discover their unique power and develop it to become indispensable solutions that stand them out from age 8-18.
This is a 3 semester/year engagement across ages 8-18 that will mentor and engage your child.
Each semester runs for 13 weeks with a report of your childâs progress sent to you at the end of every session. This is purely a coaching/mentoring sessions that will cover critical child development issues including their sexuality and personal development. Our task is to support you to deliver the child of your dreams. Classes run once a week on zoom and replays are made available. There is a facilitator and assistant facilitator to every classroom. There are weekly home-plays which are important but not compulsory Classes are designed to be practical and fun filled and each session is memorable to the students.
OYELA -A 4 way marital psychometry
This is an African developed 4 way marital systems psychometry that assist family life professionals improve their diagnostic tools
This test for:
-Marital assessments
-Love code assessments
-Brand of car model personality assessments
-Culture compatibility test
Covenant House Church Dallas discipleship system
The challenge
Creating a contemporary entry level to leadership training curriculum that can assist members achieve mental wellness
The strategy
Created a 3 level system with flowcharts that people can follow in transforming their personal reality and can deliver organizational results.
 The solution
The New Covenant House Incubator that trains and prepares members for leadership.
The Elevation Church family life systems
The challenge
A faith based organization with presence in Africa, Europe & North America seeking to create an effective family life system that can reduce divorce rate and promote effective family life
The strategy
We trained the entire family life ministry and supported in creating a family life curriculum for pre and post marital engagements.
The results
A first of its kind church based family life system that promote accuracy and reduce time spent in counseling without compromising effectiveness
Family systems Engineering framework
The challenge
Most developing nations struggled with the family life science from the developed nations because it doesnât incorporate their reality
The strategy
Research 25 couples that have successfully built a marriage for 40years and create a framework that can assist Africans and Latinos build effective family life
The solution
A new body of knowledge that is currently being used by over 1000 family life practitioners across various nations of the world.
Ready for Life child development systems for Ambassadors college Nigeria
The challenge
With HIV/AIDS ravaging Africa and many African children struggling with crime in the diaspora there was a need to create an intervention that can solve some of these critical problems through a values driven curriculum. Some of the children in the school were becoming distracted from their academics no thanks to sexual violence.
The strategy
We created an intervention that is built on mentoring to support parents in co-parenting their children virtually while schools deployed it weekly as a subject across the various classes
The results
Improved performance of students and enhanced responsible behavior among students